folks here didn like that dose of reality coming their way

National Conservative Politics Following an appearance on Sean Hannity's show on Monday, Malkin reported receiving emails denouncing her as an a "stupid Asian" and Cheap Puma Shoes Asian who forgot where she is coming from.Yes, any racist rants against Ms. Malkin because of her views are unacceptable and should not be tolerated. However, if you really want to check out some "racist rants", read the commentary section of Ms. Malkin's blog after she writes a column about Pres. Women's Puma Saba Ballet Young Obama, the First Lady, or any Black person in the news. Mens Puma Future Cat Shoes It's simply atrocious. And the fact that she doesn't edit some of this filth makes me really question her motives. She knows she is throwing red meat to racist dogs and that is a large part of her popularity.Just like something was seriously and psychologically wrong with the intensity of some of the "Bush haters" on the left, the veracity in which Ms. Malkin goes after Obama and other minorities makes me believe that she too is a little unhinged. It hasn't been tended to in quite a while.REALLY? I thought it was the Dems who fought that!"Richard B. Russell, who told the Senate: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states." Russell organized 18 Southern Democratic senators in filibustering this bill."Its no wonder black vote for dems because they too are ignorant of the past and who was responsible for Jim Crow and the fight AGAINST the VRA."referred to the Rules Committee, whose Women Ralph Lauren Flag Polo chairman, Howard W. Smith, a Democrat from Virginia, indicated his intention to keep the bill bottled up indefinitely."Just too damn much ignorance out there!Stop the HATERS said, "Its no wonder black vote for dems because they too are ignorant of the past and who was responsible for Jim Crow and the fight AGAINST the VRA."You make the mistake that Mens Puma Wheelspin Shoes many make. It's not about Mens Puma Future Cat Shoes political party or "ignorance", but ideology. Right wing conservatives have been the enemies of Blacks, no matter what their party. Whether it was the Democratic Dixiecrats of the old south or the Reagan Republican conservatives of the 1980's, they all have had an obvious hostility to Black folks. The reasons so many Blacks folks vote Democratic now is because it is the party that has the least right wing conservatives in it.There Mens Puma Drift Cat Shoes is actually nothing wrong with having strong conservative values. Because of my religious upbringing, I consider myself "conservative". But as long as the Republican party continues to link itself with so called "conservatives" who don't like me just because of my God given skin color, I'll continue to mainly vote Democratic.Malkin exposes, corruption, duplicity and hypocrisy in her book. Dimwits who condem her book SHOULD READ IT FIRST. stereotyping people! Typically, you have got your history WRONG. Republicans are about fiscal and personal responsibility. not the Nanny State or the Victim mentality. They welcome everyone with conservative views. The Black community is the VICTIM of Democratic policies. 70% illigitmacy rate in the Black community. So called "Christian" Blacks voting without regard for protection of the unborn. Entitlements that tear apart the family Mens Puma High Tops Shoes unis. GET EDUCATED WITH THE TRUTH!Ah, I see some folks here didn like that dose of reality coming their way, eh? Stop the HATERS, the ignorance is all yours if you didn think I wouldn know where you found that little tidbit. The next time you cut and paste a passage to prove a point, don leave out anything that someone coming behind you will find. Next paragraph after what you posted about Russell:on the 15th June, 1964, Richard B. Russell privately told Mike Mansfield and Hubert Humphrey, the two leading supporters of the Civil Rights Act, that Mens Puma Fur Shoes he would bring an end to the filibuster that was blocking the vote on the bill. This resulted in a vote being taken and it was passed by 73 votes to 27. can find that article here:Among those who voted against the bill was Barry Goldwater, who was the GOP presidential nominee that year. And Johnson signing that bill shifted the South from Democrat to Republican.Oh great, just what we need, another Palin! Malkin will expose her true self just like Palin did. It won't be long before we see her for who she really is. I saw her on The View she came out swinging. Who does tha remind you of? (hint bulldogs and lipstick!) She probably went to lunch with Elizabeth Hasselback after the show birds of a feather!The real problem with MALKIN (like Palin) is that she really believes in all that garbage she is throwing out to anyone who will listen and now a book GOD HELP US! Seems like some people will do anything for their 15 minutes of fame (maybe she can be a guest on Palin's talk show on FOX of course). It's really hard to disquise ignornace and prejudice for long scary!!!! "OUT OF THE ABUNDANCE OF THE HEART THE MOUTH WILL SPEAK" MATTHEW 12:34